Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Costliness of the Gospel

Lately I have been reading "9 Marks of a Healthy Church" by Mark Dever. Here are some thoughts toward a certain section of the book:

A salient feature from Dever’s book is his clear and precise writing about the Gospel in chapter 3. The author quoted J.C. Ryle’s comments towards this topic: “There is a common worldly kind of Christianity in this day, which many have, and think they have enough – a cheap Christianity which offends nobody, and requires no sacrifice – which costs nothing, and is worth nothing.” This quote brings about conviction to reform one’s thoughts toward sharing the Gospel and evangelism within the local church.

Dever’s treatment of this topic is one that is long overdue. It leaves the reader questioning how evangelical churches have gotten to the point where the “gospel” encourages unbelievers to gain their own salvation by walking an aisle or praying a prayer. And while this may not be the intention of such churches, it has become the accepted way. Dever’s call to come back to the foundations of the Gospel (of repentance and faith) is reminiscent of Paris Reidhead, a preacher who in essence spoke to this type of “gospel” and called it humanistic. Reidhead said of this, “And this is the betrayal of the ages! And it is the betrayal in which we live.”

This is supported by Jesus in Matthew 19:16-30. There we read of the rich young ruler, who claimed to have kept all of the commandments of God. Yet he was unwilling to sell all he had to follow Jesus. In that fact alone, the young ruler was breaking the first commandment, "You shall have no other gods before Me." God is teaching me about the costliness of the Gospel - how everything in this life is to pale in comparison to following Jesus. Are we really willing to give it all up for Him? In Matthew 19:29, Jesus encouraged the disciples about those that have given up such things as family, children, houses, and lands for His "name's sake." Believer, what have you given up today in order that you may follow the Christ?


At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A joyous AMEN!!!
Well stated.Christianity is a radical thing ,a GOD thing not a
man thing.We must be willing to be
radical to truly follow CHRIST.
Keep more of these commentaries coming.Thanks.

At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. Most Christians are not even willing to give up face to follow Christ, let alone tangible things. Cheap grace, fire insurance; call it what you will, but it is a pervasive element in today's American church. We must fight this.

At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i must take exception to one point you made concerning walking the aisle or saying the sinners prayer.What is wrong with a person walking the aisle and saying the sinners prayer? I had a former pastor that said the same thing.He was a calvinist and it sounds like the person you quoted is one also.By the way, I disagree with the calvinistic doctrine of grace.I have known many people that walked the aisle and asked to be saved.They were sincere and as far as i know they were saved.It is not up to me to question their salvation and i do not believe any preacher has that right either.That is Gods work.Anyway, that is my two cents worth.

At 7:44 PM, Blogger Julia said...

I was only trying to make the point that some miscontrue the gospel in such a way that some people who walk the aisle, or pray the sinner's prayer may be confused about what saves them. In actuality, the only thing to put faith and trust in is the redemptive work of Christ.

At 4:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well said on the last point you made in your comments.I agree, but some preachers try to say you should not walk the aisle or say the sinners prayer because the fact you are doing it is a work in itself like baptism, etc.The preachers that teach this are usually calvinists.Most people I know that walked the aisle had pure motives and as far as I know were truly saved.I hate to hear preachers discourage that because who knows how many people might have not been saved by them sitting in the pew and doing nothing.They were stepping out on faith and asking the Lord to save them.There is nothing wrong with that.Some people might not know how to do that on their own.

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Julia said...

I definitely agree. The invitation must stay in tact. I do not question the pure motives of those that have done that. I am one of them! :) I am not a calvinist by the way (wanted to state it for the record). I do think that the calvinists, while wanting to reform the church invitation in SBC churches, go too far in saying that there should be no alter call(they state that an invitation made be given and yet not alter call). I propose the only change needs to be a clearer presentation among those who "misconstrue the gospel."

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, of course you know that my doctrine is calvinistic but guess what, I believe in an invitation too. Can you believe that? Don't think bad of all calvanitist people jhpd because some of us are very balanced and not so "crazy" :), right Julia?

NOTE: This message is just for fun so don't take offense to it.

At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Balanced, What is that suppose to mean? The only balance I know a calvinist has is the greater part of humanity is lost and no hope of ever being saved and the rest are the select elect.

At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember God would be just in sending us all to hell. But . . . by balanced I mean that not all people who hold to this belief go as far as saying there is no need for evangelism, there should not be an invitation, etc. I just can't deny that predestination is in the Bible since it is there.

At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

regarding the last comment I agree with it because I just cannot read the written word without overwhelmingly see the doctrine of sovreign election,feom GENISIS to the book of REVELATION!!
WE WERE DEAD IN OUR SIN JESUS speaks of the ones the FATHER gave to HIM,and HE says I will draw all men to MYSELF.

At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

comments 10 & 11 sounds like the same anonymous to me.

At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever your theology is based upon must begin with one clear fact."God desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth".1 Tim 2:4 Since he desires all to be saved,"He sent His Son not to condemn the world but that the world might be saved"John 3:17.Also,John 12:32 says,"if I be lifted up I will draw allmen unto me.Titus 2:11 states "the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. Acts17:30 "God commands all men everywhere to repent".Hebrews 2:9 "He died for all".Must I say more? It is crystal clear He died for all. The reason all are not saved is not due to them not being elected,but because "they loved darkness more than the light". John 3:19. Aynbody can be saved Rom 10:13,2peter 3:9, Rev 22:17.But a calvinist will not talk much about these verses nor can they be explained away since God wrote them.

At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1st off, this anonymous did not write comment 11 for the record, but i did write the others. i am not that concerned about our post that i would act like i am another person to agree with a point i made earlier.

also julia just posted a great article on balance on the issue.

i also agree with the verses you mentioned since they are in scripture. but you even mentioned that John 12:32 says,"if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me. In my stance I believe that it is the Holy Spirit that does the work of salvation, that "draws" the person unto Christ. I mean if we are depraved and dead how would we ever just decide to follow Christ in our wickedness without His instigation. I don't know how God works it all concerning the matter. that is why i don't get overly excited about the issue. clearly is is confusing and that is why it has been debated since forever. this is just the side that makes most sense to my small finite mind. you can view the other side as correct and i will not think you are a heritic. you have that perogative. and i still love you as a brother/sister in christ even though we disagree on this point. remember this is not a hobby horse for me.

At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very well said and amen to the last comment!!One thing that puzzles me is why does the doctrine of sovreign election make
people angry??If they have been saved by GODS AMAZING GRACE, they have nothing to fear.
take a look at 1st PETER1:2
and 2nd PETER 3:1
both these letters were written to the ones who had been sanctified by the work of SPIRIT and the foreknowledge of GOD.
2nd PETER 2:9 that they are a chosen race etc.and verse 10 indicates that the gentiles saved
here were called out of darkness
into HIS marvelous Light !!! GLORY!!!sounds a lot like the raising of Lazarus.
In 2nd Peter 3:9 where Peter writes The LORD is not slow about HIS promise,as some count slowness but is patient toward you,not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.
could it be this you here are the elect, chosen according to the foreknowledge of GOD???
I do not nor will I ever refer to myself as a calvinist,I myself have have fasted,prayed,witnessed to lost people from family,neighbors to homeless people on the streets oy New York.
I have cried for their souls.
The doctrines of GOD are not confusing but mysterious.IT is man who is confused.
As for the comment by Spurgeon on JULIAS link,our pastor has read it in church.This a very good article.
Finally we need to be about the business of glorifying GOD and taking the message to as many people as possible and leave the rest to THE REDEEMER.

At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we all agree that Jesus died for every living soul, past, present, and future? Can we all agree that every person , past, present, and future can be saved or could have been saved ? If we can all agree on that then there is hope. If we can't I have nothing else to say.

At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last comment summarizes it well. I'm out of here. So long.I will pray for you who believe that way.

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just reading back over the comments made concerning the doctrine of election and I failed to answer back one comment # 15 where the writer asked the question about the scripture the Lord is patient toward you and longsuffering. Not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentence. The writer ask the question could it be the you in the sentence be the elect. I say absolutely not because it would make no sense.Let me rephrase the sentence and I will add the elect and leave out the you. The Lord is patient toward the elect and longsuffering. Not willing that any of the elect should perish but all the elect should come to repentence. If you believe it means the elect in these verses I have something to sell you.I mean get real.If it had meant the elect it would have said so. also, you wanted to know why it makes people angry if they do not believe in the doctrine of election.I will tell you why.What good does it do to tell a person they have to be elected before they can be saved? Was anybody ever saved by telling them that?Absolutely not.But if a person simply believes the gospel and is willing to invite Jesus in their heart and repent of their sins, isn't that the only way a person can be saved? In my opinion it is just prideful to the utmost for a person to believe he is one of the elect and everybody else can just get on board in whatever way they can.Again I say prideful and shameful.


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