Serve Christ by Service to Others
Recently I went to Southern Seminary to attend two seminars for my schoolwork there. I attended one which was called Theology and Leadership. One of the assignments revolved around writing an essay in which I defined leadership in the light of service. Basically, it was about how being a leader foremostly involves service to people. You may be thinking how can being a leader relate to servanthood? Isn't being a leader about prestige and honor? Yet, Jesus (the ultimate Leader) set the example by serving the disciples and washing their feet. Mark 10:44-46 says, "and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Jesus came to serve and this is something that we must imitate in our walk with the Lord.
I have to admit that this is sometimes hard for me. Service is not glamorous or romantic. It is hard work! It may involve giving of time that you'd rather spend doing something else. It may involve giving money that you would like to buy something for yourself with. Or it may involve giving of yourself when you simply don't feel like it. But each of these sentences has something in common - an obsession with what you might want or desire. This is where dying to self comes into play. We must forget about what we want and do something for someone else, for the glory of God!
This past Saturday I experienced the pattern above - being asked to serve, but feeling selfish about it, and then serving anyway. God provided the opportunity for me to work with new Mid-America students as they moved into student housing. I had originally planned to go home that weekend because I have not seen my family or friends from home since June. And I had been feeling homesick lately. Yet out of obligation, I stayed in Memphis. It was amazing being there and seeing about 50 different volunteers from 3 Memphis churches come together. They all worked from 8 am to 3 pm in the hot summer heat - unloading trucks with boxes of belongings for people they did not know. The only connection was our kinship in Christ. He had called us to serve. As I walked down the steps in the breezeway of one of the student housing buidlings, I was overwhelmed with the fleshing out of Christ's love at that instant. We (part of the body) were fulfilling one our many purposes and calling in Christ - serving one another. Although I was tired, hot, and drenched in sweat, I began to praise the Lord. Jesus was being glorified and I was right where I was supposed to be.
What an encouraging testimony.
How like GOD to bless us even when we do things out of obligation. He has a way of turning every thing around for HIS GLORY and for our good.We are such unworthy slaves.
If I may correct you on something; Jesus didn't give 'everything for us'. If we believe Jesus was God, he really didn't give much at all. If he really was God for eternity past, he only endured a short earthly interlude of pain and anguish, and then resumed being magestic, eternal God. Since Jesus never really died, what exactly is he giving up?
Not much.
To the last comment from the atheist,if you knew THE LORD JESUS in a personal way then you would know what HE gave!!!!
I urge you to read John chapter 1
in the HOLY BIBLE.
But as many as received HIM,to them HE gave the right to become children of GOD,even to those who would believe in HIS name,who were born again not of blood,nor of the will of man,but of GOD. John 1:12,13
Go to chapter 3,4 of John and read of the glorious gospel that transforms lives and makes one new. Seek GOD with all your heart.
You stated one thing correctly when you said that HE didn't give us everything. He gave those who received HIM the right to become the children of GOD,those who believe in HIS name.
Fall on your face and ask HIM to have mercy upon you.
I was saved at age 39.I was in the lowest depth of despair when this glorious SAVIOR flooded my life with abundant GRACE!!!To think that this majestic,eternal GOD came to earth for ever how long to endure for me a punishment in hell that I so deserved WOW!!!GLORY!!!
Whether it was 3 min or 3 days it can be said JESUS paid it all,and all to HIM I owe,sin had left a crimson stain HE washed it white as snow!!!
To answer your question,we first must define death.There are 2 kinds of death the physical one in which a human's heart ceases to pump oxygenated blood through out the body.The lungs cease to breath and the brain will become dead, the person is now clinically and biologically dead.The body which is really a shell a covering for the spirit will now decay and be no more.The spirit will live forever some where for all eternity.
We will be in GLORY with the LORD or cast into the lake of fire.
JESUS did die,however it was a spiritual death a separation from the Father on our behalf so that the ones who trust in HIM will never know that eternal separation.
Belva is very correct in saying HE gave everything for us!
Also I must correct you in saying that" JESUS did not die." HE died physically and spiritually for those who believe,its just that death has no authority over HIM!!!
the HOLY BIBLE says that death is swallowed up in victory!!!
I urge you to read 1st Corinthians 15:50-57 and discover the glories of the resurrection of the CHRIST!!
Finally go to Isaiah 53 in the Old Testament and you will find the ONE who died for you. HE became the MAN of sorrows for you.He is acquainted with your sorrows right now.HE was pierced for your sins!!
HE bore your griefs in HIS precious body.O what a GLORIOUS SAVIOR.And you ask what HE gave.There is not enough room on this blog site or any book or any movie or documentary to even begin to tell you!!!
The last Truth I will leave you with is this: ultimately HE didn't even do it for man!!!
"But the Lord was pleased to crush HIM,putting HIM to grief" Isaiah 53:10. HE did it out of obedience to HIS FATHER.
I will pray for you'
The great thing about Christianity is He (Jesus) died for everybody. Nobody was left out. That includes the atheist in comment #3. The bible teaches this. He died once for all. That is shouting ground.God the Father,God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.The Holy Trinity.Just think God the Father sent God the Son from glory to live in sinful earth to die for sinful people.So sinful people could live in heaven for all eternity with a perfect and righteous Father and Son. I would not miss it for all the world.God loves you. Repent and seek Jesus because He is the only way to heaven.
So did Jesus really die for everybody? Did he die for the unbeliever? My detestable, eternal sin is this: I don't believe the bible god exists. So when I die and discover myself standing before God Almighty, and find not my name written in the Lambs book of life, I will be sent to eternal hell. So where is Jesus then? Where is the cross? Where is Christ's forgiveness? Where is the great depths of God's love? Where is the Father's abundant grace and mercy?
Nowhere to be found. Insidious wrath and judgment have taken their place.
My crime is this: I honestly, deep down, don't believe in God's existence. How is that a crime worth eternal punishment? If I knew I had a father like God who loved me, and wanted to take care of me for all eternity, I'd accept him in an instant. However, I can't accept something I don't believe exists. I can't will myself to believe anymore than you can make yourself believe that our Creators are an ancient alien race that are currently orbiting our planet, ready to make their second coming at any moment. If you don't believe and repent they're gonna do some nasty eternal anus probes on YOU! But they really do love you!
Hell is a scare tactic. Belief as the key to the in-club of heaven is an atrocious human lie taken from a book written by ignorant, superstitious primates.(I probably shouldn't post this considering I'm on my fourth lager but...what the hell!)
Dear Atheist, The only way you will escape hell is to believe the bible and believe Christ died for you and paid your sin debt in full. Then repent and ask Jesus to come in your heart and save you.Everybodys name is written in the Lambs book of life unless you refuse to believe and God will blot your name out of it at that point for all eternity. We are all sinners saved by grace. Heaven will be full of saved sinners. The bible says there is not one righteous, no not one. All of our righteousness is like filthy rags to God. You must believe the bible I say again. If you do not there will be no hope in the day of judgement.
Jules - As always I like reading your blog. I always get something I need to hear. And thanks for putting a link to my blog on here! :-)
Iam patiently waiting for more of your "MAKING MUCH OF CHRIST"
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