Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The God-focused Prayer

Jesus taught us how to pray in Matthew 6. It has been referred to as the Lord's Prayer, but many have duly noted that it is in actuality the prayer for the follower of Christ. In verses 5-6, Jesus gives the prescription for effective and God-focused prayer. This type of prayer deals more with a private seeking of God rather than a public proclaimation that seeks human recognition: "When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."

It is in this context that we may see 2 truths about God in the beginning of the prayer:

1) God is paternal. It begins with the two words "Our Father." The focus of all prayer is to be directed to the God of the Universe, who is also your or my Father if we are in Christ. Our prayers should begin with a God-focused intention! John MacArthur stated it this way in his commentary on Matthew, "(Prayer) is not simply to lay claim on God's promises, much less make demands of Him, but to acknowledge His sovereignty, to see the display of His glory, and to obey His will." But also notice that He is "our Father." This means that we are in a personal relationship with God - a relationship where we may approach Him as a child does his earthly father. Purpose today to have a childlike faith in God the Father and to approach Him as the focus of your prayer.

2)God's position. The next line says, "Who art in Heaven." Again the focus of the prayer is all on God - who He is and where He is. One does not have to read long in Revelation 21 to see that Heaven is a very unique and totally different place from the planet on which we live. Many today are interested in going to Heaven in order to see relatives or to achieve various humanistic desires. However, Heaven is Heaven because God is there! The righteousness, wrath, love, mercy, and justice of God all proceed forth from the heavenlies. I cannot say it enough Christian - God is there! May we seek to pray to God, in spirit and in truth, and know that He is the glory of Heaven.


At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are HIS children if we are in HIM.No wonder we must be taught to pray since HE is our Father!!
It hit me while reading this that Fathers teach their children.How much more awesome that our heavenly Father wants to teach us.
In the man-center society that we live in today we very much need to remember that it is all about HIM and thank-you for pointing that out.How many times I just start blurting out to GOD all I "want and need" rather than praying for HIS glory.I have enjoyed this so much and look forward to your next post.
O that we may not pray to be noticed by men but to bring glory and honor to our heavenly Father.

At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do not let the atheist discourage you from writing. Your commentaries have been very informative and enlightening.Keep up the good work and keep the faith.

At 10:34 PM, Blogger R.K. said...

I apologize if I offended anyone or was overly brash in my previous comments.

I may have let my exuberance get the better of me.

At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say that I doubt very much that Julia is discouraged by the atheist.By the way there is no such thing as a born again atheist.
She is very concerned about his eternal destiny and so am I.
the WORD teaches us that eternity is set in the heart of man.Also that GOD'S law is written in the heart.
However in Romans 1 it speaks of GOD giving them over to a depraved mind,[those who have exchanged the GLORY OF GOD for a lie.}We must pray fot this person to be filled with the knowledge of GOD'S will:
that he may know HIM the ONE sent from Heaven to die for his sins.
There is HOPE as long GOD'S GRACE is operable.
Man can not have GOD his own way. he must turn to HIM in repentance and faith and not place human demands on HIM.
I hope that he will search the scriptures to see that these things are so.


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